The Osaka Prefecture Association of Travel Agents (OATA, Chairman Tokuhara Masakazu, Osaka International Travel) is calling on travel agencies, mainly in Western Japan, to use the member facilities of the OATA Liaison Council (Chairman Ando Motokazu, Ando Reservation Center), which is made up of contracted reception facilities and information centers. Since its founding, OATA has built trusting relationships with the Liaison Council members, whether directly managed or general information centers, as the two wheels of a car, and OATA members have actively sent customers through the information centers. Chairman Tokuhara said, "OATA Liaison Council member information centers not only give top priority to facility reservations, but also have a wide range of information about the area, making them indispensable for us when developing courses," and praised the Liaison Council member information centers for playing a major role for travel agencies. In fact, in a tough environment with information center closures, a decrease in group tours, and the rise of OTAs (online travel agents), the Liaison Council member information centers are actively negotiating and coordinating with local companies on dates when reservations are difficult to make. Chairman Tokuhara believes that if travel agencies in Western Japan as well as OATA members could utilize the information center, which is making such a great contribution to OATA member travel agencies, the amount of work at the information center would increase and the work of the travel agencies would proceed smoothly. Therefore, in 2017, the association began working with the All Japan Travel Association Kyushu Okinawa. It also began efforts such as travel agencies affiliated with the association making local arrangements through the information center of the OATA Liaison Council member. Some of these efforts have already been successful, and the association is appealing to travel agencies in Western Japan as well as Kyushu to utilize the information center of the OATA Liaison Council member. The association hopes to revitalize the relationship between travel agencies and information centers by linking them to a win-win relationship.