Reiwa Travel (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO Takaya Shinozuka), which operates the overseas travel reservation app "NEWT," recently released the trends for overseas travel in the summer vacation of 2024. The cost of overseas travel is on the rise. It was revealed that people under the age of 29 enjoy traveling especially on weekdays in the first half of the week. Yuki Oki, Executive Officer (PR) of the company, analyzed, "Although the situation for overseas travel remains tough due to global inflation and the weak yen, the number of reservations and the desire to travel have not decreased. The percentage of people expecting to spend more than 200,000 yen on overseas travel during the summer vacation is also increasing, and we found that many people are willing to spend a certain amount of money to go on an overseas trip. In addition, a trend among people under the age of 29 is that they are making efforts such as setting the departure date on a weekday in the first half of the week." The company has released the NEWT summer vacation travel reservation ranking. The calculation is based on NEWT reservation data and covers tours with a return date after July 15, 2024 and a departure date up to September 30. The survey was conducted from June 4 to 11, and 1,879 valid responses were received. In the ranking, South Korea (31.01 TP3T) was overwhelmingly popular, followed by Taiwan (20.61 TP3T) and Thailand (10.41 TP3T). When narrowing down the destinations to those aged 29 and under, there was not much difference from the overall age group, but South Korea (34.21 TP3T) was +3.2 points higher, and Cebu Island was popular, reversing the rankings of the Philippines and Thailand.In the ranking of departure dates for summer vacation, all generations tend to depart on weekly holidays such as Thursdays, Fridays, and the middle days of three-day weekends, while those under 29 tend to depart on weekdays in the early part of the week, such as Mondays and Wednesdays. "Since there are fewer passengers on weekdays in the early part of the week and airfare and accommodation costs are cheaper compared to the later part of the week and weekends, those under 29 make good use of their company and school holidays and particularly enjoy overseas travel," the company said. When asked if they planned to travel overseas during the summer vacation, 74.41 TP3T (※) answered that they were interested in traveling overseas. In addition, it was found that 31.31 TP3T actually planned to go. The company analyzed, "Comparing the longitudinal data from 2022 to 2024, the percentage of people who answered that they do not think they will go has decreased year by year and has shifted to thinking about it or considering it, so with the COVID-19 pandemic over, the momentum for overseas travel is increasing again." *Includes "plan to go," "considering," and "thinking about it." Next, when asked how much they would spend on overseas trips during the summer vacation, the most common answer was 100,000 to 200,000 yen, at 35.51 TP3T. In a comparison over the years, the percentage of people spending 200,000 yen or more increased by 17.3 points, to 42.31 TP3T in 2024 and 25.01 TP3T in 2023. "Even with global inflation and a weak yen, people are willing to spend a certain amount of money on overseas trips," the company said. *2022 was considered an exceptional figure, considering that it was the first overseas trip in a long time, as it was right after border control measures were lifted. Finally, when asked who they would travel with on overseas trips in the summer of 2024, the most common answer was friends or lovers, at 47.41 TP3T. In 2022, many people traveled alone or in business groups due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this trend has disappeared since last year. There was a trend of traveling abroad privately with friends, lovers, family, etc.