On July 4th, JTB announced a summary of their outlook for travel trends for people taking trips of one night or more during this year's summer vacation (July 15th - August 31st). Based on various economic trends, consumer behavior surveys, transport and tourism related data, and questionnaire surveys conducted by the JTB Group, they estimate that the total number of travelers will be 69.75 million, 95.9% compared to the previous year, and that total travel expenditure will be 3,274.3 billion yen, 96.8% of the previous year. The number of domestic travelers will be 68 million, 95.8% of the previous year. According to the survey results, the most common purpose for travel is "spending time with family" at 32.2%, followed by "relaxing and taking it easy" at 28.3% and "eating and enjoying local cuisine" at 25.9%. The most common length of stay was "one night, two days" at 37.6%, up 5.1 points from the previous year, followed by "two nights, three days" at 32.2% and "three nights, four days" at 17.0%. Long-term trips are on the decline, and overall the length of trips is shorter than last year. Travel destinations in Kanto, Kinki, and Tokai have increased from last year, while other destinations have decreased across the board. Travel companions appear to be increasing compared to last year, such as family trips with children. Although the average travel cost has risen due to high prices, there is a tendency to curb the cost of shorter trips, and it is about the same as last year at 42,000 yen. The number of overseas travelers is estimated to be 1.75 million, 101.2% of the previous year. Compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, it has recovered by about 651 TP3T. The average cost of overseas travel per person is 239,000 yen. The top destinations were Europe with 17.5% TP3T, South Korea with 15.3%, and Southeast Asia with 14.6%. Travel to Europe has shown a significant recovery from the previous year, which is also due to the impact of the Paris Olympics.