Following the organizational restructuring this spring, JTB decided on new executive personnel effective April 1st at the board of directors meeting held on December 22nd last year. The system has been solidified to respond to the group's "management reform to provide new value." President Takahashi Hiroyuki will lead the reforms under the new management structure starting in April. Specifically, Executive Director Otani Yasuhisa (currently President of JTB Domestic Travel Planning) will be in charge of reforming the group's culture with the aim of realizing a change in the corporate culture. Following the organizational restructuring, Executive Director Mitsuyama Kiyohide (President of JTB West Japan) will assume the post of General Manager of the Personal Business Division, and Executive Director Minami Kaoru (President of JTB Corporate Sales) will assume the post of General Manager of the Corporate Business Division. In addition, as executive officers representing the company in each region, Executive Officer Matsumoto Hiroshi (President of JTB Chubu) will be the Chubu Regional Representative, Executive Officer Udagawa Takehiko (Executive Director of JTB Domestic Travel Planning and General Manager of West Japan Business Division) will be the Kansai Regional Representative, Executive Officer Sasamoto Junichi (President of JTB Hokkaido) will be the Hokkaido Regional Manager and Hokkaido Regional Representative, Executive Officer Mori Yoshihiro (President of JTB Tohoku) will be the Tohoku Regional Representative, Executive Officer Kamata Takaaki (Director of JTB Kanto and General Manager of Sales Promotion Division) will be the Kanto-Koetsu Regional Representative, Executive Officer Ooda Hiroyuki (President of JTB Chugoku-Shikoku) will be the Chugoku-Shikoku Regional Representative, and Executive Officer Katsurahara Koichi (Director of JTB Kyushu and General Manager of Sales Division) will be the Kyushu Regional Representative. Meanwhile, Executive Director Imai Toshiyuki will be stepping down. *Details of the personnel changes are published on page 10 of the January 25th issue of Travel News.