On March 22nd, JATA's Inbound Travel Promotion Committee Chairman Kazuaki Maruo (Chairman of Nippon Travel Agency) held a press conference in Tokyo to explain the contents of the proposal on inbound travel submitted to the Japan Tourism Agency on March 6th. Since 2014, JATA has compiled proposals on inbound travel and submitted them to the Japan Tourism Agency every year. The land operator registration system that JATA included in past proposals was realized in the revised Travel Agency Act that came into effect in January this year. The title of this proposal is "Proposal on inbound travel to achieve the 2020 goals and sustainable growth from 2021 onwards." At the press conference, Chairman Maruo explained the key points of this proposal as "improving quality and ensuring safety and security, which are the basis of Japan's competitiveness, and attracting visitors to regional areas." Regarding measures to improve the quality of inbound travel, he proposed considering categorizing the registration system according to the trips offered by land operators, and regarding attracting visitors to regional areas, he proposed providing incentives to repeat visitors to Japan. As for incentives, he suggested presenting badges to repeat visitors and offering special benefits at accommodations and souvenir shops. As measures to improve safety and security, they called for expanding the multilingual information system for emergencies such as disasters, and setting up a trouble-shooting desk and call center for FIT travelers.