According to the results of a survey on travel trends during this year's Golden Week compiled by the Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA, Chairman Hiromi Tagawa), Okinawa was the most popular domestic destination, and Taiwan was the most popular overseas destination, as it was the same as last year. Okinawa, which ranked first for domestic travel, is also popular with its remote islands, and Tokyo ranked second, up from third place last year. The 35th anniversary of the opening of Tokyo Disneyland is attracting attention. Following Hokkaido in third place and Osaka in fourth place, Kyushu came in fifth place due to the popularity of the historical drama "Saigo Don" set in Kagoshima. For overseas travel, Taiwan ranked first, Hawaii in second place, and Thailand in third place, up from fourth place last year. Singapore rose to fourth place, and Hong Kong, which is popular as a destination for girls' trips, ranked fifth, up from eighth place last year. Italy ranked eighth and France ranked tenth, making a notable recovery in Europe. The survey was conducted by questionnaire to sales, planning, and counter staff at 588 JATA member companies. The figures were compiled based on booking status (headcount basis) as of early March from six major travel agencies for domestic travel and seven major travel agencies for overseas travel.