The Kinki Regional Council of the Japan Travel Agents Association (Chairman: Yoshimura Minoru, Kanki Travel Service, Osaka) recently held a joint executive meeting of the Kinki prefectural chapters at the JEC Japan Training Center in Chuo-ku, Osaka. This was the first time in two years that a joint executive meeting was held. Fifty prefectural chapter executives attended, and introduced themselves and shared their current activities. The Shiga chapter reported that many of its members are travel agencies that are closely connected to the local community, and that they have worked together to organize shopping tours. They expressed their intention to build a business that the next generation will want to take over, aiming to strengthen their foundation and become a profitable travel industry. The Kyoto chapter reported that they will continue to provide subsidies for the promotion of tours within the prefecture, and that they have built a strong connection with the government as the reception desk for the Kyoto Charm Rediscovery Travel Project, a discount for prefectural residents, and will continue to carry out projects that benefit members. The Osaka chapter focused on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) as a means of sales activities without incurring costs. They reported that they held many seminars to improve work efficiency, mainly on how to use SNS. The Hyogo branch reported that they have applied for a Type 1 travel agency license and registered as a dispatch business, and expressed their intention to carry out activities with an eye on creating an environmentally friendly travel industry and building a new tourism industry. The Nara branch reported that, while they have been active mainly through two committees, General Affairs and Public Relations and Business, they have launched a new business department to promote interaction among members and conducted cruise training. They also reported that they are working to further strengthen relationships between members by forming a golf club. The Wakayama branch reported that they have created a "Wakayama 12 Hot Springs Tour Guide" to tour hot springs in the prefecture as part of the "Wakayama 12 Hot Springs Promotion Council," which they have been working on with the Wakayama Ryokan Association since 2020, and that it will be officially launched on April 1st. At a briefing session held by Zentabi Co., Ltd. prior to the presentation, Branch Manager Satoshi Ikegami of the West Japan Branch reported on the transaction results of each business, as well as introducing the outline of Zentabi coupons and credit card payments "Zentabi Payment." At the joint social gathering that followed, Chairman Yoshimura said, "This event is not being held with support from headquarters, but is being carried out by each branch, who has been able to scrape together funds from their own budgets. I hope that everyone will deepen their ties with each other." He called for volunteers from each branch in the two prefectures and four cities of Kinki to organize a tour to support the Hokuriku region, which was hit hard by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Radio Osaka announcer Harada Toshiharu made a special appearance at the social gathering. Harada loves traveling so much that he has even set up a program called "Harada Travel Agency" to introduce tourist spots, and said, "If you let us know about your efforts in each prefecture, we will come and interview you."