Keikyu Corporation (Keikyu Corporation, President Harada Kazuyuki) and Nippon Travel Agency (President Horisaka Akihiro) reached an agreement on September 1st to transfer the store and external sales businesses of Keikyu Kanko, a wholly owned subsidiary of Keikyu Corporation, to Nippon Travel Agency. They will also cooperate in attracting more customers along the Keikyu Line. The business transfer is scheduled for February 28th next year, and the two companies will be discussing the specific details and transfer price for future business collaboration. The store business of Keikyu Kanko to be transferred to Nippon Travel Agency consists of six of the nine stores (Shinagawa, Kawasaki Azalea, Yokohama Porta, Kamiooka, Kanazawa Bunko, Oppama, Yokosuka Chuo, Wing Kurihama, and Kanda Gaigo Gakuin) that are mainly located along the Keikyu Line, excluding Shinagawa, Oppama, and Kanda Gaigo Gakuin. The external sales business will be handled by the corporate and group sales department. Regarding business collaboration, in order to promote the Keikyu Group's long-term vision of "realizing a rich railway line where many people from Japan and abroad gather with Shinagawa and Haneda as gateways," Nippon Travel Agency's know-how will be utilized to increase the number of visitors and strengthen inbound measures. Specifically, the plans include (1) developing and selling products that utilize tourist attractions along the Keikyu Line to attract more foreign visitors to Japan and domestic travelers and to improve services, (2) providing information and research on inbound tourism and revitalizing the line, and implementing promotions to attract customers both domestically and internationally, and (3) providing travel-related services to customers along the line and the Keikyu Group, proposing travel products to Western Japan and other areas.