Hankyu Travel International summarized the results of a survey of its tour conductors on January 19th. What are the "real voices" of travel professionals, such as crises during tours and things that participants envy? The top two most common answers to the question "What kind of crisis did you encounter as a tour conductor while participating in a tour?" were "A customer had an accident or got sick and had to be taken to the hospital." The second most common answer was "A customer's luggage was taken to the wrong airport." Unforeseen circumstances are inevitable when traveling abroad. It is at times like these that the tour conductor's professional ability is put to the test. The third most common answer was "Customers started fighting," followed by "I got sick during the tour," and the fifth most common answer was "A customer forgot their passport." The top answer to the question "What are the most common misunderstandings about tour conductors and tours with tour conductors?" was "Tour conductors can enjoy traveling while they are guiding a tour." Of course, they have no time to respond to inquiries or check schedules. In fourth place was "tour conductors are not busy," and it seems that the difficulty of the job is not well conveyed to customers. In second place was "they have specialized knowledge of the tour destination." It is not understood that there are other specialized guides. In third place was "tour conductors only go to the places they want to go," and in fifth place was "participants are forced to participate in each plan," and there are many other misunderstandings. In the question "While guiding, the moment you feel most envious of the tour participants" the top answer was "When the tour participants are sleeping on the vehicle," reflecting how busy the job is. From second place onwards, it was when the participants were enjoying the activities and spots, and it was a pure admiration for the trip. "I want to go to that country again," Italy came in first, Spain in second, and the United Kingdom in third, so Europe is still strong. The top answer for "I want to go at least once" was "Antarctica." The survey was conducted in October-November last year. A total of 119 tour conductors responded to the survey, with an average of about 16 years of experience as a tour conductor and about 60 countries visited.