On June 13, the Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA, Chairman Takahashi Hiroyuki) announced the winners of the JATA SDGs Awards, which recognize travel companies for their outstanding efforts in achieving the SDGs. The second annual award was given to Yomiuri Travel for "selling and implementing tours for the general public to experience the flavors and new attractions of the Hamadori region of Fukushima Prefecture, including seafood off the coast of Tokiwa, in an effort to dispel rumours about the Hamadori region and promote its recovery." The awards were open to activities and projects carried out between April 2023 and March 2024, and 50 applications were submitted by 18 companies. The awards were decided by a judging committee chaired by Mikawa Kotake, chairman of the JATA Social Contribution Committee. The Excellence Awards and Special Awards for each category are as follows. In addition, Encouragement Awards were also selected from each category.[Social and Human Rights Category]Excellence Award: HIS's "Travel education course 'Shuwa Travel College' that teaches sign language so that people with hearing impairments can enjoy traveling"; Special Award: HIS's "Inheriting traditional culture and supporting women - Maya embroidery project"[Economics and Industry]Excellence Award = Yomiuri Travel (Grand Prize) ▽ Special Award = Nippon Travel Agency "Launching Japan's first personalized travel product with J Blue Credit®"[Global Environment Category]Excellence Award: VELTRA "Learning in healing: Promoting tourism for the next generation" Special Award: Mainichi Comnet "Implementing clean-up activities in collaboration with students and the local community - Aiming to realize a 'Mt. Fuji clean-up event by 1,000 students'"[Co-Creation Category]Excellence Award: Toyota Financial Services' "Run, Maidens! Wild Rabbit Stamp Rally" Special Award: JTB's "Promoting sustainable collaboration and cooperation both inside and outside the company." The awards ceremony will be held on July 10th.