JTB's total travel transaction value for May was 107,314 million yen, up 2.9% from the same month last year. Domestic travel was down 7.7% to 74,813 million yen. Domestic group travel overall was down 15.0%. General group travel was down 31.4%, and educational group travel was up 3.2%. Domestic packaged products total was down 14.3%. Of which, Ace/MySTYLE was down 14.5%. Overseas travel was up 61.8% to 23,555 million yen. Overseas group travel total was up 107.5%, general group travel up 96.6%, and educational group travel up 165.9%. Overseas packaged products total was up 91.5%, of which Look/MySTYLE was up 131.8%. FIT was up 28.8%. International travel increased by 2.5% to 8,946 million yen. The transaction amount is the total for the seven group companies.