According to the results of the Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA) travel market trend survey for the June period (April-June), the domestic travel economic activity index (DI) was 2, up 16 points from the previous period (January-March). Overseas travel also increased 8 points to minus 20, and inbound travel also increased 9 points to 2, both of which showed a recovery. It was the first time in a long time that a sense of prosperity was seen. The domestic travel DI for domestic travel wholesalers fell 33 points to 0, but most industries showed significant improvements, with general travel agencies increasing 37 points to 18, retailers 1 increasing 39 points to 20, and online travel agencies increasing 24 points to minus 43. By area, all destinations showed increases. Among them, Hokkaido's 20-point increase, Kyushu's 18-point increase, and Tohoku's 16-point increase stood out. Travel agencies said, "Hokkaido and Kyushu are popular for individual travel. Group travel is diversifying destinations," and "Demand is recovering in Kyushu." Group travel improved in each category, with workplace, education, invitations/rewards, and clubs/friendships showing large increases. Overall, the situation was favorable when viewed from multiple angles, such as area and group. The domestic DI for the next period (July-September) is expected to fall by 4 points to minus 2. Overseas travel has maintained the recovery trend that has continued since a year ago this month. By industry, like domestic travel, general travel agencies, retailers 1, and online travel agencies showed large improvements overall, and the results were favorable. By destination, Europe rose 8 points to minus 34, and while it is still negative, it has improved significantly compared to six months ago when it was at the bottom of the rankings. In addition, the United States and Canada showed some improvement, while Korea showed a slump, suggesting a slight shift toward longer distances. The outlook for the next DI is minus 21, down 1 point. For inbound travel to Japan, general travel agencies showed an overall good performance, rising 14 points to 30, while online travel agencies showed a slump, falling 134 points to minus 34. By destination, increases in Okinawa and Kyushu were noticeable, while Hokkaido fell. Travel agencies have said things like, "The number of visitors to Hokuriku and Kyushu, mainly from Southeast Asia, is increasing," and "People seem to prefer sightseeing plus experiences." The next DI fell by four points to minus two. The survey is conducted quarterly. This time, 341 JATA member companies responded.