On May 24, the Hyogo Prefecture Travel Agents Association (Chairman Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi, Heart) held its 2018 Annual General Meeting at the Oriental Hotel in Chuo Ward, Kobe City. 41 people attended. In his opening remarks, Chairman Yamaguchi touched on topics surrounding the industry, such as the amendment of the Travel Agency Act and the addition of a new "Major Accident Support System" to the travel accident compensation system by the Japan Travel Agents Association from April, and stated forcefully, "In any case, we want to put our first priority on delivering safety and security to our customers." All agenda items were approved and passed. This year, the association will participate in the Domestic Tourism Revitalization Forum to be held in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture in February next year, and will work on foreign currency exchange business. The "Gift Travel on Respect for the Aged Day" project, which has been an independent business of the association, has been developing products in collaboration with Nippon Travel Agency, but last year it did not produce the results expected, and after deliberation at the board of directors, it was decided to change the method. The collaboration with Nippon Travel Agency will be temporarily suspended, and this year, in cooperation with Kusunoki-kai, a concentrated customer transfer campaign will be carried out around Respect for the Aged Day. The details of the project will continue to be considered. In addition, a part of the articles of incorporation was changed this time. This was due to the establishment of the "travel service arrangement business" following the revision of the Travel Agency Law, and it was written that travel service arrangement businesses will be cooperative members. At the general meeting of the operating company HATA, Director Hajime Fujimoto (Kaminaga Travel) presided over the meeting on behalf of Representative Director Takeshi Kojima (Travel Room), who was absent. The proposal was approved, and this year the company will promote the registration of Zen Tabi Coupon members, and develop advertising and product sales businesses. The general meeting of the cooperative association Kusunoki-kai (Chairman Koichi Kinoshita = Hotel New Awaji) was also held at the same time. After the general meeting, the association and Kusunoki-kai held a joint study session, where Atsushi Yamamoto, who serves as a legal advisor for the Japan Association of Travel Agents, gave a lecture on troubles related to travel and inns. At the joint social gathering, an award ceremony was held for the essay contest held last year as part of the "Gift Travel on Respect for the Aged Day" project. Essays were solicited from elementary school students in Hyogo Prefecture on the theme of "Traveling with Grandpa and Grandma." The Grand Prize went to Iwamoto Kanon (5th grade), and the Excellence Prize went to Takemoto Shiori and Shirakawa Eri (both 2nd graders). They were presented with certificates of commendation by Chairman Yamaguchi.