ANA Sales launched the "Trend Maker System" on August 21st, utilizing the SNS app Instagram. The system aims to create and promote travel trends by offering travel discounts and other benefits based on the number of "likes" received on photos posted of travel destinations. The trend makers are people who post photos of stylish travel destinations on Instagram. The company will provide travel support such as travel discounts according to the number of "likes," with the aim of promoting travel for both airlines and travelers. To commemorate the start of the system, the "Summer Travel Memories Photo Contest #Natsuomo Campaign" will be held until September 30th. Memories of travel destinations taken this summer will be posted on Instagram, and winners will be selected after a screening process. Winners will be presented with travel vouchers and other prizes, and will also be "appointed" as the "first trend maker." To apply, follow the Instagram "Hayaritabi" account and post with the hashtags "# Hayari Tabi," "# Natsuomo," and "# I want to be a trend maker." For more information, fart.