JTB's total travel transaction value for July was 111,090,000,000 yen, down 1.2% year on year. Domestic travel was 73,218,000,000 yen, down 11.2% year on year. Domestic group travel as a whole was down 24.5% year on year. General group travel was down 27.1% year on year, and educational group travel was down 9.2% year on year. The total for domestic packaged products was down 13.5% year on year. Of which, Ace/MySTYLE was down 14.0% year on year. Overseas travel was up 33.4% year on year to 31,766,000,000 yen. The total for overseas group travel was up 104.6% year on year, general group travel was up 222.4% year on year, and educational group travel was up 24.5% year on year. The total for overseas packaged products was up 42.5% year on year, of which Look/MySTYLE was up 50.4% year on year. FIT was up 19.3% year on year. International travel was down 1.2% year on year to 6.17 billion yen. The transaction amount is the total for the seven group companies.