In response to the situation where local governments have been canceling summer tours for children due to violations of the Travel Agency Law, on July 28, the Japan Tourism Agency sent a document titled "Treatment of tours involving local governments under the Travel Agency Law" to the heads of travel agencies in each prefecture. The document states that the Travel Agency Law does not apply to tours in which local governments are substantially involved in planning and running the tours and which are not profitable or business-oriented. For example, overnight trips and camps involving bus transportation for children and students attending elementary, junior high and high schools in the same municipality, and matchmaking tours for single men and women living near the municipality, are recognized as tours involving local governments. On the other hand, tours that recruit an unspecified number of people are subject to the Travel Agency Law, so the prefectures will provide appropriate advice on the implementation of individual tours, and ask that you check with the Japan Tourism Agency if you have any concerns. The document also issued a notice regarding volunteer tours during disasters, stating that the Travel Agency Law will be relaxed for volunteers only, with a set period.