On June 5, HIS (President: Yada Motofumi, HIS) signed an agreement with Tottori Prefecture (Governor Hirai Shinji) to promote inbound tourism. The target area will be expanded from Southeast Asia and South Asia to the whole world, and cooperation will be strengthened to attract inbound tourists. The agreement, which the two parties signed in 2019, will be renewed to include the whole world, expanding the scope of cooperation. The relationship, which has been progressing through efforts such as opening the "HIS Sunaba Country Visit Japan Rep Office" in the prefecture, will be further strengthened, and inbound demand for the prefecture will be acquired and tourism will be promoted. Under the agreement, the company will work on improving Tottori's brand power overseas, developing overseas promotions, planning and selling charter inbound tours, marketing research, improving the reception environment, developing tourism human resources, and responding to disasters. Based on the agreement, the company will strengthen the dissemination and promotion of the prefecture's attractions. It will expand product development and sales with overseas corporations, affiliated travel agencies, and businesses in the prefecture.